Unplug and Find More Joy

Episode #: Jordan Maney on Rest

How often do you give yourself permission to rest? If your answer is “not very,” listen in on this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush and Jordan Maney talk about the importance of stepping away from it all.

Do I want to betray myself over and over and over again by not communicating [my needs]?
— Jordan Maney

Show Notes:

Do you keep pushing through no matter how exhausted or overwhelmed you feel? Are you a bleeding heart who will give until it hurts, but hesitate to ask for help when you need it? Do you find yourself wondering when the burnout will end? Maybe you need to rest. In this episode of the Awaken Your Wise Woman podcast, host Elizabeth Cush, LCPC, a licensed professional therapist, founder of Progression Counseling in Annapolis, Md., and a mid-life women’s life coach, welcomes Jordan Maney, the Radical Joy Coach™, for a discussion of the importance of taking time to rest, an insightful look at all the reasons why we might not give ourselves permission to rest, and tips on how you can give your body and brain a chance to recharge.

Listen and learn:

  • How lack of boundaries can lead to burnout—and why it’s worse for helpers, healers and other bleeding hearts

  • Why recovering from burnout takes time

  • Why it’s often so difficult to know when enough really is enough

  • Why we’re afraid to slow down or take a break. Hint: It’s not about productivity.

  • How to turn the volume down on your inner critic and up on your inner advocate

  • The revitalizing resource that’s hiding in plain sight—if only you reach for it

  • Why learning to communicate is key to getting more rest

  • The questions that can help unlock the barriers to being good to yourself

  • Why getting more rest can improve your relationships and make room for more joy

Learn more:

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